Tuesday, May 8, 2012

To move the SQL site database

To move the site database
1. Back up the site database on the current site database server and restore it on the new site 
database server computer using the SQL Server Management Studio.
Ensure that the database access permissions are the same on the new site database as they are
on the original site database.

2. Ensure the primary site server computer account has administrative privileges over the new 
site database server computer.

3. Close any open Configuration Manager console connections to the site server.

4. On the primary site server computer, use the hierarchy maintenance 
tool (Preinst.exe) to stop all site services with the following command: Preinst /stopsite.

5. On the primary site server computer, click Start, click All Programs,
click Microsoft System Center, click Configuration Manager 2007,
and click ConfigMgr Setup, or navigate to the .\bin\i386 directory 
of the Configuration Manager 2007 installation media and double-click Setup.exe.

6. Click Next on the Configuration Manager Setup Wizard Welcome page.

7. Click Perform site maintenance or reset this site on the Configuration Manager 
Setup Wizard Setup Options page.

8. Select Modify SQL Server configuration on the Configuration Manager 
Setup Wizard Site Maintenance page.

9. Enter the appropriate SQL Server name and instance (if applicable) for the
new site database server as well as the site database name on the Configuration 
Manager Setup Wizard SQL Server Configuration page.

10. Configuration Manager Setup performs the SQL Server configuration process.

11. Restart the primary site server computer, and verify the site is functioning normally.

REF : http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb680707.aspx